Hijaiyah letters are letters of the alphabet originating from Arabic. Hijaiyah letters and how to read them have different order rules with alphabetical terminology and how to read them are important to recognize and learn because Muslims really need them.Applications to learn to recognize letters hijaiyah Alif Ba Ta and so on are intended for children aged 2 to 6 years. Learn hijaiyah letters interactively and quickly accompanied by pronunciation.This application is accompanied by a guessing game of hijaiyah letters, which is a memory game to test childrens memory and accompanied by MP3 music related to hijaiyah letters.This application can be classified into childrens educational applications, educational games, interactive learning, childrens games because it is accompanied by pictures and animations that are quite interesting with the funny voices of small children to help children who are not yet fluent in reading and saying hijaiyah letters and this application can also work automatically. OFFLINE, served for FREE can also be stored in EXTERNAL MEMORY.Hopefully with this hijaiyah letter learning application it can be useful for all Muslim children. Amen.